Imprint / data protection

Legal Notice and Conditions of use of the website.

Pursuant to Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we hereby inform you that the website you are visiting, located under the domain
Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the website you are visiting located under the domain name belongs to GOLL LABORATORIO DENTAL DIENTES EXCELENTES,
SLU whose identification details are as follows:
▪ CIF: B76069566
▪ Registration details: T 1965 , F 118, S 8, H GC 43448, I/A 1º (20.07.10).
▪ Address: Avda. de Moya, 6, C.c. Eurodent, Local 40-41, Maspalomas, CP 35100, Las
▪ Telephone: 928 774 443
▪ Email:


The conditions of access and use of this website are governed by current legislation and by the principle of good faith.
principle of good faith, and the user undertakes to make good use of the website. It is not permitted to
conduct that goes against the law, the rights or interests of third parties is not permitted.
Being a user of the website implies that you acknowledge having read and accepted these conditions and the legal
these conditions and the legal regulations applicable to this matter.


Goll Laboratorio Dental Dientes Excelentes S.L.U. accepts no responsibility for the information and
contents stored in forums, social networks or any other medium that allows third parties to independently
to publish content independently on the provider’s website.
Neither shall the company be liable for any damages caused by faults or misconfigurations of the software installed on the website.
or misconfiguration of the software installed on the user’s computer. It shall not be liable for
any liability for any technical incident or failure that occurs when the user connects to the Internet.
connecting to the Internet. Likewise, the non-existence of interruptions or errors in access to the website is not guaranteed.
access to the website.
Likewise, Goll Laboratorio Dental Dientes Excelentes S.L.U reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained in the website,
modify or eliminate the information contained on its website, as well as the configuration or presentation of the same, at any time without
presentation of the same, at any time without assuming any responsibility for this.
It also reserves the right to limit or prevent access to its web site when technical difficulties arise due to events or
arise due to events or circumstances beyond the control of the dental clinic that diminish or annul the security
levels of security adopted for the proper functioning of the website.


All the contents of the website are protected by the regulations on intellectual and industrial property.
intellectual and industrial property. The total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialisation of the
commercialisation will require prior express written authorisation from the provider.
provider. Otherwise, an offence would be committed by violating the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.
intellectual or industrial property rights.


These general conditions are governed by Spanish law. For any litigation
that may arise in relation to the website or the activity carried out on it, the Courts of Gran Canaria will be
the Courts of Gran Canaria shall have jurisdiction, and the user expressly waives any other
any other jurisdiction that may correspond to him/her.

Informative clause WEB contact form

We inform you that the personal data you provide us with will be processed by GOLL
Purpose: Attention of requests for information received through the website.
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party (art. 6.1.a) RGPD).
Rights: Access, suppression, rectification and opposition, and rights explained in the
additional information.
Duration: The data will be kept for the period of time necessary to deal with and manage your
Additional information: See the section:
You may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, as well as exercise the rights
exercise the rights recognised by law by sending us an e-mail to the following address, indicating in any case the Reference: “Data Protection” together with
a document that accredits your identity.

3. Web Privacy Policy


In compliance with the principles of lawfulness and transparency in accordance with Article 13 of the
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016,
on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (GDPR)
B76069566 and email address informs you of the characteristics of the processing of personal
processing of personal data that is carried out under its responsibility:
Processing: (I) Web applications; (II) Invoicing, fiscal, accounting and commercial management; (III) Administrative management; (IV) Registration of personal data.
(IV) Customer registration. (V) Compliance with data subjects’ privacy rights.
(VI) Performance of work and monitoring of products. (VII) Video surveillance.
Purpose: (I) Attention to requests received through the contact forms on the company’s website.
(II) Preparation of invoices to clients, preparation of the official accounting and calculation, presentation and
calculation, filing and settlement of taxes, preparation of commercial documents, such as balance sheets and
(III) Administrative management related to the development of the activity.
(IV) Management of customer registrations (V) Attending to requests for the exercise of rights related to personal data.
exercise of rights related to personal data, as well as security breaches that may affect rights and freedoms.
that may affect the rights and freedoms of data subjects. (VI) Manage the work requested.
(VII) Control of the facilities.
Legitimation: (I) and (VII) Consent of the data subject. (II) and (VI) Legal obligation. (III), (IV) and (VI)
Execution of a contract for the provision of services (V) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2016.
European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.
with regard to the processing of personal data.
Retention period: (I) The period necessary to comply with the request; (II) Six years for commercial purposes; (III) Six years for commercial purposes; (IV) Six years for commercial purposes; (V) Six years for commercial purposes.
(III), (IV), (V) and (VI) For the duration of the provision of the service and the period necessary to deal with issues related to the services.
necessary to deal with matters relating to the services provided. (VII) There is no retention of images.
retention of images.
Addressees: (II) AEAT, Banking Institutions, Canary Islands Government, Mercantile Registry (V) Spanish Data Protection Agency.
Spanish Data Protection Agency. (VII) The data will only be transferred to third parties when there is a legal obligation, as in the case of
there is a legal obligation, as in the case of State Security Forces.
Exercise of rights: You may exercise your right of access, rectification, suppression, limitation and opposition to the
and opposition to the processing, in the terms and conditions established in the regulations of
protection of personal data Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016
Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by
the processing of personal data, by sending a request by email to, indicating in any case the Reference: “Data Protection” together with some document
document that accredits your identity, as well as to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
Data Protection Agency.


Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
The owner of the company and of this website is GOLL LABORATORIO DENTAL DIENTES DIENTES
EXCELENTES, SLU, so that any personal data that you communicate through this web page and the
this web page as well as the data collection forms that are made in person will be treated under the responsibility of GOLL LABORATORIO
will be treated under the responsibility of GOLL LABORATORIO DENTAL DIENTES DIENTES EXCELENTES, SLU.
What personal data do we collect (how do we obtain them)?
We will ask you for the minimum information necessary to carry out the purposes indicated in the previous
above, normally name and surname, address and contact details.
How do we use the personal data that we manage under our responsibility?
We use your data for the following purposes:
(I) Web applications.
(II) Invoicing, accounting and tax management.
(III) Administrative management.
(IV) Customer registration.
(V) Attention to the privacy rights of the interested parties.
(VI) Carrying out work and product tracking.
(VII) Video surveillance.
And the use we make of them is exclusively that indicated for each of the purposes described above.
for example, in order to provide and send an estimate that you have requested, we will limit ourselves to registering your data
we will limit ourselves to registering your data linked to the personalised proposal that we have
and the data will only be kept in our information system, with the security measures that guarantee the
security measures to ensure that no person outside Goll Laboratorio Dental Dientes Excelentes can have access to your data.
Dientes Excelentes can have access to this information. In all other cases,
we will process your data when we are obliged to do so by law or in order to carry out essential activities in relation to the
activities essential in relation to the provision of services to clients, we do not communicate or process data for purposes
we do not communicate or process data for purposes other than those described above.
For how long?
When the processing of data is required by law, the law normally specifies the period of time for which the data must be processed.
the period of time for which the data must be processed or stored, for example, the Code of Commerce establishes the obligation to keep the data for a certain period of time.
the obligation to keep the data for accounting and commercial purposes for six years, a period that can be
years, a period that can be extended to fifteen years in the case of needing to accredit certain tax deductions.
tax deductions, and the Civil Code allows the exercise of actions derived from the execution of a contract or the
execution of a contract or the provision of a service for five years after the end of the contract or service.
of the contract.
Disclosure to third parties
As in the previous cases, the data that we disclose to third parties is always
limited to the minimum necessary for each of the purposes.
What security measures do we apply to personal data?
Goll Laboratorio Dental Dientes excelentes, SLU, has in place appropriate policies and technical and organisational
and organisational measures to safeguard and protect your personal data against illegal or unauthorised access, loss or destruction.
against illegal or unauthorised access, accidental loss or destruction, damage, illegal or unauthorised use or disclosure.
These measures are set out and updated in a document identified as the “Security Manual”.
Security Manual”.
We also take all reasonable precautions to ensure that our staff and employees who have access to your personal data are not disclosed to third parties.
employees who have access to your personal data have received appropriate training.
What are your rights as a data subject?
You have the right to request the deletion of your data where, among other reasons, the data
are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. You have the right to obtain
confirmation as to whether or not we at Goll Laboratorio Dental Dientes Excelentes, SLU, are processing your
your personal data or not. You have the right to access your personal data and to obtain a copy of it, as well as the right to request
a copy of them, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request their
their deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
were collected. In certain circumstances, you may request the restriction of the processing of your data.
in which case we will only keep your data for the purpose of pursuing or defending claims.
defence of claims. In certain circumstances and for reasons relating to your particular
particular situation, you may object to the processing of your data. Goll Dental Laboratory
Dientes Excelentes, will cease to process the data, except for imperative legitimate reasons, or for the
exercise or defence of possible claims. You may also exercise your right to
portability of the data, as well as to revoke the consents you have provided. You may exercise
these rights by sending an e-mail request to, in certain cases we may ask you to
certain cases we may ask you to prove your identity by providing some additional information, and clearly stating
additional information, and clearly indicating the right you wish to exercise. Finally, we would like to inform you that
you may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency,
especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights.